
Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science

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Research Review and Theory Reflection on Malaysian English Literature

Yuxin Liu*, Ying Zhao

School of Chinese Language and Literature, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China.

*Corresponding author: Yuxin Liu

Published: April 26,2023


Malaysian English literature has been an important part of Malaysian literature, and also an important part of world English literature in spite of its relative marginal position. A large number of works were published from British colonial period, national independence period and contemporary globalization period. Compared with the full study of Malaysian English literature in the western world, Chinese scholars pay little attention to it. Over concentration on individual cases, lack of linguistic studies, and insufficient comparative researches such as Malaysian English literature with Malaysian Chinese literature, it is still insufficient in the discussion of some topics with the deepening of research vision and ideas, there still has insufficiency. The perspective of research on Malaysian English literature is definitely inseparable from the direction of social development. The combination of multiple disciplines and fields, the application of digital humanities and so on have become new ways that scholars can not avoid in literary research.


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How to cite this paper

Research Review and Theory Reflection on Malaysian English Literature

How to cite this paper:  Yuxin Liu, Ying Zhao. (2023) Research Review and Theory Reflection on Malaysian English Literature. Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science7(3), 508-513.