
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation

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Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency Approach for Quality Improvement

Melis Zeybek

Department of Statistics, Ege University, 35100 Bornova, Izmir, Turkey.

*Corresponding author: Melis Zeybek

Published: November 30,2018


Robust parameter design is an effective tool to obtain the best operating conditions of a given system. Because of its practicability and usefulness, the widespread applications of robust design techniques provide major quality improvements. In fact, evaluating the quality performance of the fitted response model could be a way to reach the possible perfect quality. This study focuses on the model quality performance criterion and presents a new optimization approach based on Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE). The proposed approach is configured on optimizing the fitted NSE response surface for the “target is best” case. Furthermore, this study provides a reference in which NSE model performance criterion is used and modeled by response surface approach for the first time in the field of quality improvement. The main advantage of the proposed approach is to allow the practitioners evaluating the model quality performance by maximizing the fitted NSE response surface which acts as a measure of model efficiency. The procedure and the validity of the proposed approach are illustrated on a popular example, the printing process study.


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How to cite this paper

Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency Approach for Quality Improvement

How to cite this paper: Melis Zeybek. (2018) Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency Approach for Quality ImprovementJournal of Applied Mathematics and Computation2(11), 496-503.