
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation

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The Alon-Tarsi Number of the Mycielski Graphs

Zhiguo Li*, Qing Ye, Zeling Shao

School of Science, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin, China.

*Corresponding author: Zhiguo Li

Published: May 6,2023


The Alon-Tarsi number AT(G) of a graph G is the least k for which there is an orientation D of G with max outdegree K-1  such that the number of spanning Eulerian subgraphs of G with an even number of edges differs from the number of spanning Eulerian subgraphs with an odd number of edges. A graph G is said to be chromatic-ATchoosable if . In this paper, it is shown that the Alon-Tarsi number of the Mycielski graph M(G) is at most , where  is the maximum degree of G. As a consequence, M(G) is -choosable. Based on analysis of the structure of Mycielskigraphs, the exact values of the Alon-Tarsi number of Mycielski graphs  and  are obtained by the method of the Alon-Tarsi orientation. It is proved that and are chromatic-AT choosable. On the other hand, we get that the Alon-Tarsi number of equals 5 when  and  otherwise.


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How to cite this paper

The Alon-Tarsi Number of the Mycielski Graphs

How to cite this paper: Zhiguo Li, Qing Ye, Zeling Shao. (2023) The Alon-Tarsi Number of the Mycielski Graphs. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation7(1), 162-166.