Article 10.26855/jamc.2018.12.001
The Vehicle Routing Problem Complex Network Analysis
Gabriel Policroniades Chípuli , Idalia Flores de la Mota, Olivia Sashiko Sihirai Reyna, Javier Lara de Paz
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
*Corresponding author: Gabriel Po-licroniades Chípuli,
Published: December 13,2018
One of the main characteristics of transportation problems is not only
the hard design model process; but also, in the characterization of the
elements that make up the supply chain. A more detailed analysis will grant
undoubtedly a greater knowledge of the system. However, the use of regular
networks for the development of models can eliminate key characteristics for
correct decision making. Faced with this fact, the characterization of
transport models is proposed through the conceptualization of complex networks.
This new proposal will allow to apply metrics and perform more detailed analysis
to the distribution network; such as vulnerability analysis, fault propagation,
element grouping identification, among other metrics. The objective of this
research is to show a methodology to build the Vehicle Routing Problem models
and analyze the distribution network using the corresponding metrics of complex
How to cite this paper
The Vehicle Routing Problem Complex Network Analysis
How to cite this paper: Chípuli, G.P., de la Mota, I.F., Reyna, O.S.S., de Paz, J.L. (2018) The Vehicle Routing Problem Complex Network Analysis. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2(12), 525-542.
DOI: 10.26855/jamc.2018.12.001