V2X is the core technology of an intelligent networked vehicle communication system, enabling data interconnection between vehicles, between vehicles and people, between vehicles and infrastructure, and between vehicles and the cloud. Through information sharing, vehicles can make intelligent decisions. This article analyzes, designs, and implements a communication system for intelligent networked vehicles based on the requirements of intelligent networked vehicle application scenarios, providing a solution for the application of intelligent networked vehicle communication technology. With the continuous growth of global automobile production and ownership, the problems caused by energy, environment, safety, and traffic congestion are increasingly prominent. Against this backdrop, the three major industries of communication, transportation, and automobile are developing together. Intelligence, informatization, and low-carbon have also become recognized development directions in the automotive industry. Intelligent networked vehicles are not only the fusion product of the three major industries, but also an important product for the development of the automotive industry itself. Automobile is a part of transportation. The United States, Japan, and Europe have taken the lead in developing the technology and industry of intelligent vehicles and intelligent transportation, and have promoted the development of intelligent networked vehicles and collaborative transportation systems to a national strategic height. In China, ministries and commissions such as the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology are also taking active action, and are formulating a technical roadmap and industrial development strategy for intelligent networked vehicles and intelligent transportation.
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