
Advances in Computer and Communication

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Application of Computer Vision in Food Nutrition Evaluation

Ruijie Li*, Xuexin Li

Ocean University of China, Qingdao, Shandong, China.

*Corresponding author: Ruijie Li

Published: June 9,2023


In recent years, with the rapid development of artificial intelligence and some significant results proposed, people pay more and more attention to it. Food is related to every aspect of everyone's life. With the gradual improvement of people's living standards, problems such as how to nutritively match their own diet or design weight-loss recipes have attracted more and more attention. In such an environment, the combination of the two reflects a certain significance. This paper analyzes the main advantages and potential defects of artificial intelligence in processing food nutrition assessment, and thinks about its progress space and technical pain points, discusses the technical advantages of artificial intelligence, and analyzes its application in data, computing power, algorithms and other aspects. As well as the possible advantages and industry prospects brought by the integration of the two, we hope to bring a new theoretical basis for the further in-depth discussion of the integration development of the two in academia and industry.


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How to cite this paper

Application of Computer Vision in Food Nutrition Evaluation

How to cite this paper: Ruijie Li, Xuexin Li. (2023) Application of Computer Vision in Food Nutrition Evaluation. Advances in Computer and Communication4(2), 109-113.