Article Open Access 10.26855/jepes.2018.12.001
Present Situation and Prospects of Bioenergy
Aleksandar Alimi
International Balkan University, Macedonia
*Corresponding author: Aleksandar Alimi
Published: January 24,2019
The excessive consumption of fossil resources has triggered the energy and environmental crises. Finding alternatives to non-renewable resources has become a major problem for the survival and development of human society. The bioenergy is environmentally friendly and renewable, has a rich stock, and starts from biology, so obtaining a variety of forms of energy has become a research hotspot and investment hotspot. This paper mainly introduces the raw materials, production technologies and development status of bioenergy including fuel ethanol, biodiesel, biohydrogen and biogas.
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How to cite this paper
Present Situation and Prospects of Bioenergy
How to cite this paper: Alimi, A., (2019) Present Situation and Prospects of Bioenergy. Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2(3), 26-28.
DOI: 10.26855/jepes.2018.12.001