
The Educational Review, USA

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Description of Elementary Teacher Education Program’s Student: Mapping Indonesian Language Competence for Prospective Teacher

Asrial, Syahrial, Dwi Agus Kurniawan *, Nur Amalina, May Subandiyo

Faculty of Teaching and Education, Jambi University, Indonesia

*Corresponding author: Dwi Agus Kurniawan, Profesional Lecture

Published: May 7,2019


Pedagogic competence is the ability that must be possessed by a teacher in managing learners learn from planning execution and evaluation. In pedagogic competence, one of which must be improved by a prospective teacher is language competence. Indonesian is used as the medium of instruction in education. In the curriculum of primary, secondary and higher education must include the language. The importance of Indonesian language competence is well controlled by the students because the future teacher students will be able to establish good communication between students and teachers as well as have a good mastery of language structure and grammar. This research uses descriptive quantitative research design. The purpose of this study is to describe the students of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Jambi University. A total of 340 students at elementary school teacher education Faculty of Teacher Training and Education program Jambi University participated in the study. The instrument used in this research is the test. The form of test used is a multiple choice with 4 choices and the number of questions about 32 questions. The test is used to measure students' competence on Indonesian competence and Pedagogic Competence. The results showed that the pedagogic competence of the students at elementary school teacher education program of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Jambi University was categorized as bad. This is because the number of students at elementary school teacher education program of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Jambi University in the category is not good as much as 254 students or 74.71%. The competence of the language was in the good category. In the language competence, the students at elementary school teacher education program of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Jambi University have competence in a good category that is total 160 students and percentage 47.05%.


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How to cite this paper

Description of Elementary Teacher Education Program's Student: Mapping Indonesian Language Competence for Prospective Teacher

How to cite this paper: Asrial, Syahrial, Kurniawan, D.A., Amalina, N. & Subandiyo, M. (2018). Description of Elementary Teacher Education Program's Student: Mapping Indonesian Language Competence for Prospective Teacher. The Educational Review, USA, 3(2), 21-27.