
The Educational Review, USA

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Article Open Access 10.26855/er.2019.03.001

Spiritual Leadership: Practical Implementation for School Principals in Indonesia*

Indra Dwi Prasetyo

Faculty of Education, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia]

*Corresponding author: Indra Dwi Prasetyo


Published: March 25,2019


This study investigated the impact of Spiritual Leadership(SL) for school principals in Indonesia, both of the positives as well as its drawbacks. Although several researches have scrutinized the use of SL, those studies do not emphasis the relevance of SL in Indonesia, specifically in education context. Therefore, this research attempts to reflect SL implementation in Indonesia which has the ideology of “Belief in Oneness God” as the first principle among other four principle of Pancasila (The Five Principles). Through the exploration of existing empirical studies, this investigation classifies three opportunities of implementing SL, including improving teachers’ performances, enhancing teachers’ commitment and creating inclusive environment. Besides, some challenges that potentially exist is also described. Both side of opportunities and drawbacks can be considered in implementing SL in the future school environments.


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How to cite this paper

Spiritual Leadership: Practical Implementation for 
School Principals in Indonesia*

How to cite this paper: Indra Dwi Prasetyo. (2019). Spiritual Leadership: Practical Implementation for School Principals in Indonesia*. The Educational Review, USA,3(3), 28-33.