
The Educational Review, USA

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Article Open Access 10.26855/er.2019.05.001

The Organization of Information and Educational Web-space of the Clinical Department of the Medical Educational Institution

Nataliia Lopina *, Larysa Zhuravlyova

Department of Internal Medicine №3 and endocrinology Kharkiv National Medical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine

*Corresponding author: Nataliia Lopina, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor, Email:

Published: May 28,2019


The article describes the organization of the information and educational web-space of the clinical department of the medical educational institution. Currently, medical education is continuous and it is necessary to implement information web-technologies in the continuous study process. Based on own experience, an approximate structure and organization of the information and educational web-space of the clinical department of the medical educational institution and clinical department website structure were presented. Due to own experience, all the structural components of the web-space and website and their content are characterized. The advantages of using the information space by the departments of internal medicine of higher educational medical institutions, web sites and information technologies in teaching are discussed.


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How to cite this paper

The Organization of Information and Educational Web-space of the Clinical Department of the Medical Educational Institution

How to cite this paper: Lopina N, Zhuravlyova L (2019). The Organization of Information and Educational Web-space of the Clinical Department of the Medical Educational Institution. The Educational Review, USA, 3(5), 43-49.