Water Powered Pump (WPP) is a new invention for the world. WPP uses kinetic energy of the stream water. WPP does not require any electric energy, petroleum products such as diesel fuel, gasoline or natural gas. The water powered pump will be used for supplying water for irrigation, domestic or other requirements. WPP is environmental friendly product and converts the unused kinetic energy of the stream water for pumping a certain volume of water to a calculated head. The capacity of the WPP depends on the stream water volume, drop height, pumped water volume, pumped height and system efficiency. WPP completely differs from water hammer and other type of centrifugal pumps. WPP is elimi-nating irrigation pumping cost which becomes a big burden on the farmers’ budget. The new invention is an environmental friendly product and helps the reduction of global warming by using kinetic energy of the stream water.
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How to cite this paper
Use of Water Powered Pump for Free Irrigation Purposes
How to cite this paper: Şahin Bekişoğlu. (2023) Use of Water Powered Pump for Free Irrigation Purposes. International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture, 7(2), 188-196.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26855/ijfsa.2023.06.003