
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation

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Some Classes of Exponentially General Variational-like Inequalities

Muhammad Aslam Noor*, Khalida Inayat Noor

Department of Mathematics, COMSATS University Islamabad, Park Road, Islamabad, Pakistan.

*Corresponding author: Muhammad Aslam Noor

Published: July 30,2023


In this paper, we define and introduce some new classes of exponentially variational-like inequalities, which are called exponentially general variational-like inequalities. It is shown that the optimality conditions of differentiable exponentially general preinvex functions can be characterized by exponentially general variational-like inequalities. These exponentially inequalities have applications in mathematical programming, information science, net work, data analysis and machine leaarning. We apply the auxiliary principle technique to suggest and analyse some new inertal iterative methods for finding the approximate solutions of these exponentially variational iequalities. Convergence criteria is discussed under some mild conditions. Our methods of anlyzing the convergence criteria is very simple as compared with other teachniques. Several special casess, which can be obtained, are discussed as applications. We have only considered the theoretical aspects of these methods. Numerical implementation and comparison with other echnqiues is an open problem. Results obtained in this paper can be viewed as significant improvement of previously known results. The ideas and technqiues of this paper stimluate further research in different areas of pure and applied sciences.


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How to cite this paper

Some Classes of Exponentially General Variational-like Inequalities

How to cite this paper: Muhammad Aslam Noor, Khalida Inayat Noor. (2023) Some Classes of Exponentially General Variational-like Inequalities. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation7(2), 249-256.