
International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture

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Estimation of Species Diversity and Carbon Storage in 5-, 15- and 22-year-old Mango Agroforest (Cameroon)

Noiha Noumi Valery1,*, Tongouvda Iddo2, Awe Djongmo Victor2, Nyeck Boris2,3

1Department of Life Science, Higher Teacher Training College of Bertoua, University of Bertoua, Cameroon.

2Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Ngaoundere, Cameroon.

3Agricultural Research Institution for the Development, Agricultural Research Polyvalent Station of Minko, Cameroon.

*Corresponding author: Noiha Noumi Valery

Published: July 31,2023


In the Tropics, as the rate of deforestation continues to rise, agroforestry may serve as a way of conserving species diversity and climate change mitigation. The aim of this study was to assess species richness and Carbon storage in Mangifera agrosystems. Three ages of mango stands were selected with a tropical savannah as control. A randomized complete block design (RCBD) was used to collect data and each treatment was replicated 3 times. Data were collected in 5 transects of 100x20 m² each; so, a surface area of 1 ha was surveyed for each treatment. As a result of the survey, 39 species from 23 families and 36 genera were recorded in agrosystems and 37 taxa from 23 families, 31 genera in savannah. Species abundance, diversity, density and basal area were significantly different (p<0.05) amongst treatments. The lowest Carbon stocks were found in the savannah due to the anthropogenic activities. Aboveground biomass (AGB) and belowground biomass (BGB) following the age of the stands varied with dbh and timber’s density. AGB ranged from 18.09±0.03 to 64.07±0.16; BGB from 8.88±0.01 to 26.10±0.05 and total stock from 26.97±0.04 to 90.18±0.22 Mg C/ha with the lowest values in savannah and the highest in the oldest Mangifera stands. C sequestration potential ranged from 99.00±0.17 to 330.96±0.82 Mg CO2eq/ha with the lowest values in savannah. Ecological service payment ranged from 990.07±1.79 to 3309.69±8.22 $/ha. From the results obtained, these stands could be a potential for Carbon se-questration and may increase potentially with the age of agrosystems.


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How to cite this paper

Estimation of Species Diversity and Carbon Storage in 5-, 15- and 22-year-old Mango Agroforest (Cameroon)

How to cite this paper: Noiha Noumi Valery, Tongouvda Iddo, Awe Djongmo Victor, Nyeck Boris. (2023) Estimation of Species Diversity and Carbon Storage in 5-, 15- and 22-year-old Mango Agroforest (Cameroon). International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture7(2), 326-334.