Macroalgae are one of the important drivers in marine ecosystems and ecological processes. The marine basic energy conversion provider and seaweed habitat composed of macroalgae play an extremely important role in purifying the marine water environment and maintaining the growth, reproduction, and feeding of marine organisms. However, in recent years, due to factors such as human activities and the deterioration of the marine environment, large-scale degradation has occurred in seaweed farms. In order to ensure the sustainable utilization of marine biological resources and the sustainable development of marine ecological environment, the restoration of seaweed farms has become a key task in the ecological environment protection of China's nearshore waters. This article collects existing information and summarizes existing work experience, explain the ecological function of large seaweed in marine ecosystems in order to provide suggestions and references for the rational, efficient, and sustainable development of large-scale seaweed transplantation technology and seaweed restoration work.
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