
The Educational Review, USA

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Article Open Access 10.26855/er.2019.07.001

Development and Validation of Digital Storytelling Presentations through Selected Phases of Merrill’s Principles of Instruction

Christian P. Navos, Allen Garcia, Fatima Faye Romero, Abigail San Diego, Yolanda D. Reyes

Bataan Peninsula State University

*Corresponding author: Christian P. Navos


Published: July 5,2019


With the advent of technology and digital tools combined with adequate principles, teaching and learning literature had become more effective and efficient. Hence in this manner, the general trend in this field turned out to be digital based teaching and learning processes. Such general trend demands innovation in various areas. Among the field that requires such innovations is the storytelling which had undergone quite evolution through time. The rise of digital age had given birth to Digital Storytelling. The aim of this research is to develop and validate digital storytelling presentations through selected phases of Merrill’s Principles of Instruction. The study is anchored to the fact that MPI has never been attributed to digital storytelling. Furthermore, the study discussed the underlying processes involved in the development of the material under problem-centered, activation and demonstration phases. Included in such was the selection of the stories to be used which were all taken from Philippine Literature. Moreover, the validation of the material was measured under content, instructional and technical aspect validity. The researchers included teacher experts in validating content and instructional validity while technical experts were selected to validate technical aspect validity of five materials. With a general weighted mean of 3.64 for content validity, 3.58 for instructional validity and 3.07 for technical aspect validity, the study had yielded positive and agreeable results to the MPI-based digital storytelling presentations. Finally, Cronbach validity test was conducted to ensure the reliability of the results which gave to relatively high result. Within these processes the study was able to utilize the selected phases of Merrill’s Principles of Instructions in the development and validation of digital storytelling presentations.


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How to cite this paper

Development and Validation of Digital Storytelling Presentations through Selected Phases of Merrill's Principles of Instruction

How to cite thios paper: Navos CP., Garcia A, Romero FF, Diego AS and Reyes YD..(2019). Development and Validation of Digital Storytelling Presentations through Selected Phases of Merrill's Principles of Instruction. The Educational Review, USA, 3(7), 58-66.

DOI: 10.26855/er.2019.07.001