
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation

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Gauss – Seidel numerical study of 2D incompressible symmetric viscous flow in a closed rectangular C section channel

Jacob Nagler

School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Tel-Aviv, Tel-Aviv 69978, Israel.

*Corresponding author: Jacob Nagler, Email:

Published: July 16,2019


In this paper, numerical simulation based on generalized Gauss-Seidel method (which is also known as theta method) was performed in case of a 2D incompressible symmetric viscous flow in a closed rectangular C section channel along with no-slip boundary conditions on the walls. Also, model calibration was involved during numerical simulation model. Comparisons between other numerical studies and current study have been found to adjust qualitatively.


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How to cite this paper

Gauss – Seidel numerical study of 2D incompressible symmetric viscous flow in a closed rectangular C section channel

How to cite this paper: Nagler J. (2019) Gauss – Seidel numerical study of 2D incompressible symmetric viscous flow in a closed rectangular C section channel. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation, 3(4), 599-605.