
The Educational Review, USA

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A Review of the Factors Affecting College Students’ Subjective Well-being

Mingyue Zhang, Shumei Jiang*

School of Education, Jilin Normal University, Siping, Jilin, China.

*Corresponding author: Shumei Jiang

Published: August 28,2023


Whether in ancient times or in modern times, happiness is the goal that human beings continue to pursue. The study of subjective well-being, especially the subjective well-being of college students, has been the focus of attention of many scholars at home and abroad in recent years, and has achieved very rich research results. However, compared with a large number of international studies, there are still many deficiencies in the study of subjective well-being in China, which needs to be further improved. College students are an important group in today's society. They are in a critical period of life development. The promotion and cultivation of their subjective well-being has positive practical significance for the development of today's society and individuals. This paper introduces the concept, structure and characteristics of subjective well-being, analyzes in detail the subjective and objective factors that affect the subjective well-being of college students, points out the deficiencies of the current college students' subjective well-being in three aspects of measurement tools, research vision and intervention research, and proposes that in the future study of college students' subjective well-being, researchers should develop evaluation tools suitable for the local conditions of China To further broaden the depth and breadth of the research on college students' subjective well-being, we should explore and strengthen the intervention research on college students' subjective well-being. It aims to provide a new perspective for future research.


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How to cite this paper

A Review of the Factors Affecting College Students' Subjective Well-being

How to cite this paper:  Mingyue Zhang, Shumei Jiang. (2023). A Review of the Factors Affecting College Students' Subjective Well-being. The Educational Review, USA7(7), 986-989.