
Advances in Computer and Communication

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Design and Implementation of Integrated Management Platform for Oilfield Company Based on SCS Theoretical Framework

Zhenjia Wang1,*, Zhanyou He2, Rui Zhang3, Xiaorong Ren4, Bin Xu3

1PetroChina Changqing Oil Field Branch, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China.

2Oil and Gas Technology Research Institute of PetroChina Changqing Oil Field Branch, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China.

3Digital and Intelligent Business Department of PetroChina Changqing Oil Field Branchm, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China. 

4QHSE Department of PetroChina Changqing Oil Field Branch, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China.

*Corresponding author: Zhenjia Wang

Published: September 5,2023


Comprehensive management is an indispensable part of the daily management of oil field companies. Scientific and effective comprehensive management can enhance the overall strength of the company, and at the same time play a good role in promoting the safety, reliability and efficiency of the company's information supervision. Based on the SCS theoretical framework, this paper builds an integrated management platform for oilfield companies that integrates multiple business streams, integrates three levels and five services, forms an operating mechanism of the integrated management platform with information sharing, clear responsibilities and work coordination, strengthens the effective management of business and data scheduling and control, and effectively promotes the improvement of the management level of oilfield companies. The construction of integrated management platform is an inevitable requirement for the development of oilfield companies, and the corresponding theory and practice are the only way to make the world first-class and promote the modernization of governance system and governance capacity.


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How to cite this paper

Design and Implementation of Integrated Management Platform for Oilfield Company Based on SCS Theoretical Framework

How to cite this paper: Zhenjia Wang, Zhanyou He, Rui Zhang, Xiaorong Ren, Bin Xu. (2023) Design and Implementation of Integrated Management Platform for Oilfield Company Based on SCS Theoretical Framework. Advances in Computer and Communication4(4), 235-244.