
Advances in Computer and Communication

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Article Open Access

Patient Signs Safety Monitoring System Based on Internet of Things and Cloud Computing

Yiwen Dong*, Leiyufei Wang, Xiaoliang Zhou

James Cook University, Singapore.

*Corresponding author: Yiwen Dong

Published: September 5,2023


The contemporary lifestyle has led to a pressing demand for prompt, efficient, and secure medical care. However, the modern healthcare system faces several challenges such as inadequate funding, fragmentation within the medical community, and reduced service efficacy. Innovative solutions, such as the development of an intelligent detection bracelet, have been devised to tackle these issues. The wristband collects health data, encrypts it and transmits it via Internet of Things (IoT) technology to a cloud computing platform for hierarchical management and analysis. Numerous remote health monitoring systems have been developed to facilitate timely notifications and patient feedback, particularly for individuals with deteriorating suboptimal health conditions. The design of these systems aims to ensure proactive measures while minimizing disruptions, thereby enabling individuals to access personalized healthcare support and prompt medical attention through the utilization of IoT technology and remote health monitoring. This effectively addresses resource shortages and enhances overall health outcomes.


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How to cite this paper

Patient Signs Safety Monitoring System Based on Internet of Things and Cloud Computing

How to cite this paper: Yiwen Dong, Leiyufei Wang, Xiaoliang Zhou. (2023) Patient Signs Safety Monitoring System Based on Internet of Things and Cloud Computing. Advances in Computer and Communication4(4), 245-251.