
Engineering Advances

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Article Open Access

Exploring the Integration Practice of Traditional Architectural Decoration and Modern Interior Design

Zili Zhao*, Husaini Yaacob

City University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

*Corresponding author: Zili Zhao

Published: September 8,2023


Under the background of the continuous development of China's social economy, the improvement of the integration efficiency of cultural system essentially promotes the overall development efficiency of culture, among which the integration of traditional culture and modern culture is the most obvious. In the construction industry, how to effectively integrate the traditional architectural decoration and the modern interior design has gradually become one of the main factors affecting the beauty and scientific rationality of the architectural interior design. Therefore, in order to further improve the development quality of modern interior design industry, and to fully meet people's indoor living environment requirements. In this process, designers should correctly realize the integration value between traditional architectural decoration and modern interior design and on the basis of clarifying the characteristics of both, the integration of traditional architectural decoration and modern interior design is strictly into practice. Based on this, the research conducts a comprehensive study on the integration of traditional architectural decoration and modern interior design, hoping to assist the development of related work.


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How to cite this paper

Exploring the Integration Practice of Traditional Architectural Decoration and Modern Interior Design

How to cite this paper: Zili Zhao, Husaini Yaacob. (2023). Exploring the Integration Practice of Traditional Architectural Decoration and Modern Interior Design. Engineering Advances3(4), 311-315.