Among all diseases of malignant tumors in female genitalia, the ovarian cancer is the disease with highest death rate. However, the early clinical symptoms of this disease are latent, which results in the lack of effective early diagnosis method. Therefore, many patients with this disease have been in the later period clinically at the time of definite diagnosis. According to the statistics, the survival rate of patients with ovarian cancer in the later period within 5 years is only 30%, while the survival rate of patients with ovarian cancer in the early period within 5 years can be 70%-90%. Therefore, the early diagnosis plays an important role in improving the prognosis of ovarian cancer. In recent years, with its high specificity and high sensitivity, the molecular diagnosis technology is widely used to monitor the content of tumor markers in ovarian cancer tissue and also used in screening the high risk group to improve the prognosis of patients with ovarian cancer. The adoption of several methods in the molecular diagnosis technology usually used to monitor tumor markers in ovarian cancer diagnosis is discussed about in this paper.
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How to cite this paper
Application of Molecular Diagnosis in Ovarian Cancer Diagnosis
How to cite this paper: Ayanpan Palanisamy, Himani Nandana. (2017). Application of Molecular Diagnosis in Ovarian Cancer Diagnosis. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine Research, 1(1), 5-9.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26855/ijcemr.2017.01.002