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The Realistic Impact of Diet on Depression: A Holistic Review

K. A. D. L.  Bhagya1,*, G. R. N. N., Waidyarathna2, J. A. E. C. Jayawardena3, M. Jayasinghe4

1Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Gangodawila, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka.

2Department of Pre-clinical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Kandawala, Ratmalana, Colombo, Sri Lanka. 

3Department of Agriculture and Food Tech, Faculty of Industrial Technology, University of Vocational Technology, Ratmalana, Sri Lanka.

4Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Gangodawila, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka.

*Corresponding author: K. A. D. L.  Bhagya

Published: September 18,2023


Depression is a mental disorder, which characterized by persistent sadness, poor interest or pleasure in previously enjoyed events. This may effect on appetite and sleeping pattern as well. It has reported that, globally 5% of adult population is suffering from the disorder as it is a leading cause of disability around the world and contributes greatly to the global burden of disease. Genetics, hormonal, immunological, biochemical, and neurodegenerative factors are effect on depression. Diet modifies each of these factors and, as a conse-quence, has a possible influence on the progress and course of this illness. This study aimed to review current literature and determined the significance of different meal patterns and association between diet and depression. Studies have reported that the nutritional factors have an influence on neural physiology and the nutritional quality of the diet has a proven relationship with the depression and anxiety. There are reported benefits of Mediterranean diet and the consumption of recommended amounts of fruits and vegetable, fish and whole grains lead to lower the possibility of depression among adult population. With the available findings and further investigations, there is a necessity to find out local and inexpensive food suggestions and combinations with the cultural interventions to develop a remedy for depression.


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How to cite this paper

The Realistic Impact of Diet on Depression: A Holistic Review

How to cite this paper: K. A. D. L.  Bhagya, G. R. N. N., Waidyarathna, J. A. E. C. Jayawardena, M. Jayasinghe. (2023) The Realistic Impact of Diet on Depression: A Holistic Review. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine Research7(4), 515-523.