Nowadays, much attention has been put on family education. Family, a part of society, which is also the cradle of the development of the capable people and the first place for children to grow. Family is the first place for children to learn, to talk and to grow. Education, essentially a social activity, is a way of cultivating children to inherit social culture and pass on production and life experience. No matter from the perspective of the contents in family education or from the relationship between family education and school education, the family education plays an important part in all education systems. This paper deals with the cultivation of independence of American family education through Modern Family. Based on the documentary, influential factors and the ways of cultivation of independence are analyzed in the aspects of ideology. We arrive at the findings that the reflections and contents, family environment, social environment and the ways of cultivation of independence are important to family education. This research arrives at the conclusion that this kind of way in family education is conducive for children.
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How to cite this paper
Analyzing American Family Education through Modern Family—Cultivation of the Independence of Children
How to cite this paper: Xueyi Luo. (2023). Analyzing American Family Education through Modern Family—Cultivation of the Independence of Children. The Educational Review, USA, 7(8), 1079-1082.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26855/er.2023.08.006