Engineering Advances

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Impact of Production Floor Temperature on Weaving: A Case Study of Bangladesh

Samiha Islam Tanni1,*, Rohani Us Shams Zaman2, Md. Robiul Islam3

1Department of CSE, Green University of Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

2Islam Weaving Limited, Gazipur, Bangladesh.

3Department of CSE, Green University of Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

*Corresponding author: Samiha Islam Tanni

Published: September 22,2023


Weaving is a method of fabric production in which two distinct sets of yarns or threads are interlaced at right angles to form a fabric or cloth Temperature variation is common in Bangladesh from season to season. This research is about the temperature effect on the weaving industry. To reach the goal of this research, we have to do the work in a non-chiller weaving floor because we face the huge temperature variation in Bangladesh during winter and summer season. We tried to find out this two season’s differences on each steps of weaving process, such as sizing cost, production performance, fabrics quality, maintenance cost, machine lifetime etc. Reducing cost, increase productivity and better quality plays a vital role to survive in today’s competitive market. Though the initial investment is high, but considering the both short term (fabric quality, maintenance cost, in-creased production etc.) and long term (machine lifetime, quick return on invest-ment, safety etc.) benefit. Chiller and voltage stabilizer is the best solution to con-trol the temperature and overcome from these problems.



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How to cite this paper

Impact of Production Floor Temperature on Weaving: A Case Study of Bangladesh

How to cite this paper: Samiha Islam Tanni, Rohani Us Shams Zaman, Md. Robiul Islam. (2023). Impact of Production Floor Temperature on Weaving: A Case Study of Bangladesh. Engineering Advances3(4), 375-386.