
Advances in Computer and Communication

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Applying Artificial Intelligence in Networks Automation—Theoretical Analysis and Future Research Areas

Raja Marappan*, R. Saraswatikaniga

School of Computer Science and Engineering (SCOPE), Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai, India.

*Corresponding author: Raja Marappan

Published: October 16,2023


Recently, the automation of computer networks and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are already changing the business surroundings. The growth of research and development in the different emerging fields such as cloud computing, evolutionary computing, mobile computing, data analytics, and machine intelligence are transferring hastily. To attain new heights of effectiveness and perfection, recently, companies have been specializing in using present-day synthetic intelligence in conjunction with automation in most real-world applications. This research aims to demonstrate how network automation and AI relate to the target audience, how they could collectively be extra powerful, and how to offer businesses a competitive component. These emerging fields can replace human labor, which has initially worried era professionals. A surge of pledges to lessen their terrible consequences came as a form of correction. The recent AI and machine learning application trends in future internet automation are analyzed in this research.


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How to cite this paper

Applying Artificial Intelligence in Networks Automation—Theoretical Analysis and Future Research Areas

How to cite this paper: Raja Marappan, R. Saraswatikaniga. (2023) Applying Artificial Intelligence in Networks Automation—Theoretical Analysis and Future Research Areas. Advances in Computer and Communication4(5), 265-270.