
Advances in Computer and Communication

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Design and Development of Machine Learning Curriculum for Middle School Students’ Computational Thinking Development

Yanan Cao

Yongcheng Municipal Party Committee Office, Yongcheng, Henan, China.

*Corresponding author: Yanan Cao

Published: November 14,2023


Computational thinking, as a core skill necessary for the 21st century, has be-come an indispensable ability to adapt to the future digital intelligence era. It is also the most effective way for countries around the world to cultivate top-notch creative talents. With the growing recognition of the significance of computational thinking, it has gained popularity and has been extensively developed in countries worldwide. Python programming and machine learning have revolutionized the field of programming education. Therefore, this paper develops a set of courses for junior high school students using the KNN algorithm in machine learning. The courses focus on air quality prediction and are designed to enhance students' programming ability and computational thinking skills by incorporating the 5E teaching model. Moreover, applying the KNN algorithm to curriculum teaching makes a significant contribution to improving the teaching level of junior high school curriculum and the learning efficiency of students. It also provides a more effective approach to cultivating students' comprehensive literacy.


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How to cite this paper

Design and Development of Machine Learning Curriculum for Middle School Students' Computational Thinking Development

How to cite this paper: Yanan Cao. (2023) Design and Development of Machine Learning Curriculum for Middle School Students' Computational Thinking Development. Advances in Computer and Communication4(5), 283-288.