Article Open Access
Android Reverse Engineering and Defense Analysis Taking a Remote Rehabilitation Training APP as an Example
Bin Liu
Panzhihua College, Panzhihua, Sichuan, China.
*Corresponding author: Bin Liu
Published: November 22,2023
With the widespread use of Android smartphones and the rapid development of mobile application technologies, the number of malicious attacks and security threats is increasing. Reverse engineering techniques provide effective protection for discovering and analyzing malicious applications, exploiting vulnerabilities, and protecting software mechanisms. This paper combines an analysis of the current state of Android software security with an understanding of Android reverse engineering, including the structure of APK files and decompilation techniques. Taking a remote rehabilitation training app as an example, this paper explores the analysis of malicious applications, vulnerability exploitation, and software protection mechanisms using reverse engineering tools such as Kali Linux, APKTool, and Jadx-GUI. It also provides strategies for secure coding practices, application hardening, and runtime protection mechanisms. Through this research, we aim to deepen our comprehensive understanding of Android reverse engineering and defense. This will help developers enhance the security of their Android applications and protect them from malicious attacks.
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How to cite this paper
Android Reverse Engineering and Defense Analysis Taking a Remote Rehabilitation Training APP as an Example
How to cite this paper: Bin Liu. (2023) Android Reverse Engineering and Defense Analysis Taking a Remote Rehabilitation Training APP as an Example. Advances in Computer and Communication, 4(5), 309-317.