
Advances in Computer and Communication

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Digital Twin System for Tourist Attractions Based on 3D GIS Technology

Yuxing Zhang

1School of Network Security and Information Technology, Yili Normal University, Yining, Xinjiang, China.

2Key Laboratory of Intelligent Computing Research and Application, Yili Normal University, Yining, Xinjiang, China.

*Corresponding author: Yuxing Zhang

Published: November 22,2023


With the development of tourism, traditional management methods have become inadequate in meeting the needs of tourist attractions. As a new technological tool, the digital twin system enables the digital simulation of physical tourist attractions, thereby enhancing the management efficiency and service quality of these attractions. This paper introduces the fundamental concept, system architecture, primary functions, and technical implementation of the digital twin system based on 3D GIS technology. The objective is to discuss the application of the digital twin system in the management of tourist attractions and explore the construction of the digital twin system using 3D GIS technology. According to the demand analysis, the system architecture design and function module design have been completed. 3D GIS technology can be utilized to facilitate model operation, data sharing, 2D maps, 3D scenes, and other functional demonstrations. This can enhance the digital management of tourist attractions and provide val-uable insights for the information construction of these attractions.


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How to cite this paper

Digital Twin System for Tourist Attractions Based on 3D GIS Technology

How to cite this paper: Yuxing Zhang. (2023) Digital Twin System for Tourist Attractions Based on 3D GIS Technology. Advances in Computer and Communication4(5), 324-327.