
Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science

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A Theoretical Study of Identity Construction by Discourse-historical Approach

Yarong Li1,*, Yanna Qu2

1Shanghai Donghai Vocational and Technical College, Shanghai, China.

2Shenyang Normal University, Shenyang, Liaoning, China.

*Corresponding author: Yarong Li

Published: November 24,2023


The concept of "identity" has undergone a dramatic change from being seen as an internalized understanding of a pre-discursive self, encompassing personal and subjective identity, to being understood as the intersubjective identity of social interactions, where identity is shaped by the mind, cognition, the psyche, and socialization practices. This shift is reflected in the constructionist approach of poststructuralism, which includes ideological and discursive approaches. However, the study of identity has been plagued by relative issues that are often slippery, blurred, and confusing. It is therefore necessary to distinguish between them. This thesis focuses on the discourse-historical approach to critical discourse analysis as an example to explore how identity can be constructed linguistically and the conditions under which it should be constructed using this approach. First, the thesis introduces the discursive turn in identity construction. Second, a theoretical introduction of DHA is heuristically illustrated through a three-dimensional critique of DHA, a four-level context of DHA, and a three-dimensional analysis of DHA. These models help readers gain a better understanding of when and how this theory is applied to individual, collective, transnational, or local identities in order to identify potential injustice and discrimination, and to advocate for their deserved rights.


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How to cite this paper

A Theoretical Study of Identity Construction by Discourse-historical Approach

How to cite this paper: Yarong Li, Yanna Qu. (2023) A Theoretical Study of Identity Construction by Discourse-historical Approach. Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science7(10), 1967-1973.