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Reflections on the Empowerment of the Spirit of Craftsmanship for College Teaching Secretaries in the New Era
Zhijie Hao*, Chenxi Wang
Hotan Normal College, Hotan, Xinjiang, China.
*Corresponding author: Zhijie Hao
Published: November 24,2023
The pursuit of high-quality educational development is a primary objective of higher education institutions. Teaching secretaries play a crucial role in managing administrative tasks in higher education institutions. In addition to possessing professional knowledge and management abilities, individuals are expected to prioritize the spirit of craftsmanship and internalize it as their work standards. This approach enables them to provide high-quality teaching services to their respective schools. Empowering teaching secretaries to excel in the new era requires the development of exceptional qualities such as unwavering commitment, meticulousness, a willingness to take risks and introduce innovative ideas, and a collaborative approach that promotes mutual benefit. Empowering teaching secretaries to work with a spirit of craftsmanship enables them to effectively leverage their abilities in the realm of pedagogical management, ultimately enhancing the quality of education within the school sector. Teaching secretaries are expected to possess a work attitude characterized by dedication, innovation, continuous improvement, teamwork, and a commitment to the pursuit of excellence. This empowers them with a spirit of craftsmanship.
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How to cite this paper
Reflections on the Empowerment of the Spirit of Craftsmanship for College Teaching Secretaries in the New Era
How to cite this paper: Zhijie Hao, Chenxi Wang. (2023) Reflections on the Empowerment of the Spirit of Craftsmanship for College Teaching Secretaries in the New Era. Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science, 7(10), 1990-1994.