
Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science

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Connotation of Yan’an Spirit and Characteristics of Art Education in the Yan’an Period

Changxi Liu*, Chenying Wei

School of Law, Politics & Public Administration, Yan'an University, Shaanxi, China.

*Corresponding author: Changxi Liu

Published: November 24,2023


Yan'an Spirit is the essence of the ideal pursuit, zeitgeist, ideology, morality, and work ethic cultivated and developed by Chinese Communists during the revolutionary and challenging practices in the Yan'an Period. The political, national, popular, epochal, practical, and innovative characteristics formed in the art education practices of the Yan'an Period represent the original form and embodiment of Yan'an Spirit. This reflects the distinctive artistic value of Marxism in China. In the new era, we must "continue to draw strength from the Yan'an Spirit" and implement reforms and innovations in art education. To achieve this, we need to constantly analyze and reflect on the unique characteristics of art education during the Yan'an Period, within the context of socialism with Chinese characteristics. This requires a deep understanding of the profound meaning of the Yan'an Spirit, and a commitment to carry on its revolutionary legacy in the practice of art education, teaching, and learning.


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How to cite this paper

Connotation of Yan'an Spirit and Characteristics of Art Education in the Yan'an Period

How to cite this paper: Changxi Liu, Chenying Wei. (2023) Connotation of Yan'an Spirit and Characteristics of Art Education in the Yan'an Period. Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science7(10), 2004-2008.