Article Open Access
The Dilemma and Legal Protection of Consumers’ Face Recognition Information Under Face Payment
Meiyan Liu
Dalian Ocean University, Dalian, Liaoning, China.
*Corresponding author: Meiyan Liu
Published: November 27,2023
The face payment industry relies on the advancement of face recognition technology, and currently, face payment is being extensively utilized across various industries. While it brings convenience to consumers, it is also accompanied by many legal risks, such as the confusion between face recognition information and general personal information, as well as the difficulty for consumers to participate in the formulation of rules as information subjects. In order to address various challenges, it is necessary for legislation to grant special status to face recognition information and provide special protection. The judicial system should also explore the concept of security guarantee obligation and the principle of implementing responsibility. Additionally, law enforcement agencies should prioritize the effective coordination between the government supervisory department's pre-event, during-event, and post-event supervision to ensure comprehensive oversight. This will help safeguard the rights and interests of consumers' face recognition information. Under the premise of continuously improving laws and regulations, it is necessary to strengthen and enhance the obligation of security protection for consumers' face recognition information. Additionally, efforts should be made to improve consumers' awareness of self-protection and provide accurate legal guidance for both operators and consumers.
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How to cite this paper
The Dilemma and Legal Protection of Consumers' Face Recognition Information Under Face Payment
How to cite this paper: Meiyan Liu. (2023) The Dilemma and Legal Protection of Consumers' Face Recognition Information Under Face Payment. Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science, 7(10), 2053-2057.