
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation

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Mathematical morphology approach for single-channel processing of auscultative sound

Alexandr G. Rudnitskii

Institute of Hydromechanics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, ul. Zhelyaebova 8/4, Kyiv, 03680 Ukraine.

*Corresponding author: Alexandr G. Rudnitskii

Published: November 13,2019


The problem of isolating breath and cardiac sounds in the total signal registered on a human thorax has been of interest to physicians and researchers in the last two decades. Many algorithms have been developed to address this issue. In this paper we propose a new technique for isolating respiratory sound from a combined signal registered on the chest wall. The method is based on a hybrid algorithm using a mathematical morphological approach and spectral subtraction technique. This approach has been tested both on the artificially simulated data and on real auscultative sounds. Evaluation of efficiency by means of auditory, visual and numerical analysis shown that the proposed strategy is a promising alternative to existing technologies of separation of auscultative signals on its natural components.


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How to cite this paper

Mathematical morphology approach for single-channel processing of auscultative sound

How to cite this paper: Rudnitskii A. G. (2019). Mathematical morphology approach for single-channel processing of auscultative sound. Journal o f Applied Mathematics and Computation, 3(5), 616-626.