
The Educational Review, USA

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Interdisciplinary Integration in Physical Education Curriculum Design and Implementation: A Study on the Role and Strategies

Qi Liu

No. 5 Middle School of Qingshui, Tianshui, Gansu, China.

*Corresponding author: Qi Liu

Published: November 28,2023


This study examines the role and strategies of interdisciplinary integration in the design and implementation of a physical education curriculum. Drawing upon a comprehensive review of the literature and analysis of empirical studies, this research highlights the significant academic importance of interdisciplinary integration in physical education. Firstly, interdisciplinary integration fosters the seamless integration of knowledge across disciplines, enabling students to establish connections between physical education and other subject areas. This integration enhances the coherence and depth of their learning experiences. Secondly, interdisciplinary integration cultivates students' holistic abilities, including critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. These multidimensional competencies equip students with the necessary skills to address the complexities of modern society. Utilizing a collaborative approach, the implementation of interdisciplinary integration requires a cohesive team of teachers, meticulous curriculum planning, and a commitment to instructional inquiry. The strategies highlighted in this study ensure that physical education curricula effectively address students' diverse educational needs and developmental objectives. Overall, this research provides theoretical and practical insights into the integration of diverse disciplines within physical education, guiding educators and policymakers in optimizing student learning outcomes.


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How to cite this paper

Interdisciplinary Integration in Physical Education Curriculum Design and Implementation: A Study on the Role and Strategies

How to cite this paper: Qi Liu. (2023). Interdisciplinary Integration in Physical Education Curriculum Design and Implementation: A Study on the Role and Strategies.The Educational Review, USA7(10), 1514-1520.