Ye Yang
Hangzhou Xiaoshan Technician College, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China.
*Corresponding author: Ye Yang
Ethical and moral education (EME) is a crucial component of vocational education, and the teaching models for EME have gradually evolved from being independent to integrated and infiltrative. The integration of EME (Enterprise Management Education) and the vocational education model has attracted significant attention from accounting educators in vocational schools. Through practical exploratory research, this paper found that three elements have a high correlation with the infiltration of EME, namely the teaching environment, family environment, and self-motivation. An integration system called the "Six Dimensions" EME infiltration approach has been developed. This is a multidimenional and systematic infiltration approach that can effectively utilize resources to achieve a subtle and imperceptible effect of infiltration. The components of the "Six-dimensional" approach mutually influence and support each other. Although there is still a problem of insufficient synchronization and overall effectiveness, the EME infiltration approach, which has evolved into a systematic framework, can achieve better results. This is also the objective of integrated EME infiltration.
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How to cite this paper
Exploration of Ethical and Moral Education Infiltration Paths into the Integration Teaching of Accounting Vocational Education
How to cite this paper: Ye Yang. (2023). Exploration of Ethical and Moral Education Infiltration Paths into the Integration Teaching of Accounting Vocational Education.The Educational Review, USA, 7(10), 1526-1530.