
International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine Research

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Factors Influencing Clinical Decision-making of Nursing Interns

Wenyu Shen*, Liyan Zhu, Yan Lu

Wuxi People's Hospital, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China.

*Corresponding author: Wenyu Shen

Published: November 30,2023


Clinical decision-making (CDM) is a crucial aspect of professional nursing, and the ability of nurses to make effective clinical decisions is one of the primary factors that impact the quality of nursing. In other words, the dynamic and uncertain nature of the healthcare environment necessitates that nurses possess the ability to sift through and synthesize information, make informed decisions, and effectively implement those decisions. This is crucial for them to become competent decision-makers who can adequately meet the needs of their patients. However, studies have shown that new graduate nurses often struggle to apply their knowledge and theories in practice, and many of them lack effective CDM skills. It was also indicated that new graduate nurses make many mistakes when they encounter clinical decisions in the first few years of their nursing careers. Considering that nursing interventions performed by nursing interns or new graduate nurses can significantly impact patient safety and prognosis, it is crucial to prioritize the improvement of CDM skills among nursing interns. This will facilitate their transition from students to qualified clinical nurses and enable them to provide high-quality nursing services. Therefore, this paper aims to explore the factors that influence the CDM of nursing interns and critically analyze how these factors are reflected in CDM theories.


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How to cite this paper

Factors Influencing Clinical Decision-making of Nursing Interns

How to cite this paper: Wenyu Shen, Liyan Zhu, Yan Lu. (2023) Factors Influencing Clinical Decision-making of Nursing Interns. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine Research7(4), 579-585.