
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation

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Serious gaming and mathematics. A perfect match. Over the reinforcement results of serious gaming and blended learning in mbo-education

Mr. H.G. de Zeeuw

ROC Kop van Noord-Holland.

*Corresponding author: Mr. H.G. de Zeeuw

Published: November 29,2019


Mathematics is one of the subjects many pupils in primary education struggle with. The PPON study for arithmetic/mathematics in primary education shows that the level at the end of grade 8 of the Dutch primary school did not, on average, improve between 1987 and 2004. 1 If the foundations laid in primary school is not adequate, it will have a lasting effect on the pupils' mathematical skills in secondary education and in the further education that is subsequently chosen. ROC kop van Noord-Holland is a follow-up course for MBO students, at levels 2.3, and 4, aged 16 to 23. It also offers adult education. At MBO 2 level, students regularly have a starting level at the end of primary school level. The starting level of the students at MBO 3 and 4 level shows a more diverse picture. In practice, there is a big difference between the students at the intake level. In order to motivate students for the mathematics course, to increase their math skills and to achieve a positive result for the exam, we have investigated whether blended learning and serious gaming can improve and secure the result during the course and during the exam. The research was done in consultation with Drs. W.F Kenter, training manager of ROC Kop van Noord-Holland. The results have led to a curriculum with different forms of education for the students, knowledge transfer to the teachers through which they have been informed about different forms of education and the entire department of 28 classes. The exam result is improved by 0.6 points.


[1] Programmeringsstudie/Rekenonderzoek in het primair onderwijs. Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek. Den-Haag 27 oktober 2010 p.8-10

[2] P. Dawson, R. Guare, Executieve functies bij kinderen en adolescenten, Een praktische gids voor diagnostiek en interventie Februari 2019, Hogerefe Uitgevers bv Amsterdam Paperback 341 pagina’s (ISBN: 9789079729005) 

[3] J. Jollens, Het tienerbrein. Over de adolescent tussen biologie en omgeving, (September 2017) Amsterdam University Press p.114-116 (ISBN: 9789462987470)

[4] D.A. Kolb, Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development, (October 1983) FT Press Paperback, 288 pages (ISBN13: 9780132952613)

[5] Conferentie, Leer het brein kennen, Workshop 2. Cognitief versus sociaal leren in de adolescentie p.19 Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek. 5 februari 2004

[6] Blended Learning: Praktijkonderzoek binnen de afdeling rekenonderwijs ROCKop van Noord-Holland: september 2017 tot december 2018

[7] Verslag paneldiscussie Rondom Rekenen. De toekomst van het rekenonderwijs;14 december 2016 Steunpunt Taal & Rekenen vo. Steunpunt Taal & Rekenen mbo.

[8] Blended Learning: Praktijkonderzoek binnen de afdeling rekenonderwijs ROCKop van Noord-Holland: september 2017 tot december 2018

[9] Blended Learning: Praktijkonderzoek binnen de afdeling rekenonderwijs ROCKop van Noord-Holland: september 2017 tot december 2018

How to cite this paper

Serious gaming and mathematics. A perfect match. Over the reinforcement results of serious gaming and blended learning in mbo-education

How to cite this paper: H.G. de Zeeuw. (2019). Serious gaming and mathematics. A perfect match. Over the reinforcement results of serious gaming and blended learning in mbo-education. Journal o f Applied Mathematics and Computation, 3(6), 640-643.