
International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture

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Effect of Prebiotic and Immunowall® as Feed Additive in Enzyme Activity, Intestinal Characteristic, and Broiler Performance

Osfar Sjofjan 1,*, Eko Widodo 1, Halim Natsir 1, Fatmaoctavia S. 2, Riany G.S. 2

1 Lecturer of Animal Nutrition Department, Animal Husbandry Faculty, Brawijaya University.

2 Student of Animal Husbandry Faculty, Brawijaya University.

*Corresponding author: Osfar Sjofjan

Published: December 25,2019


The research purpose was to determine the prebiotic and immunowall® effect as the feed additive on enzyme activity, intestinal characteristic, and broiler performance. The research method was used completely randomized design with 3 treatments and 8 replicates. The materials used for this research were 720 unsex day old chicks with Ross 308 strain with average body weight 43.34±1.20 g/head. The treatments used for research were dietary with T0 (basal feed), T1 (basal feed + 0.05% prebiotic at 1-13 days) and (basal feed + 0.05% immunowall® at 15-32 days), T2 (basal feed + 0.1% prebiotic at 1-13 days) and (basal feed + 0.05% immunowall® at 15-32 days) The parameters observed were enzyme activities (protease and amylase), intestinal characteristic (villus total and villus height), and performance (feed intake, body weight, feed conversion ratio, mortality, and production index broiler). The data analysis was the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and continued by Duncan Multiple Range Test. The results showed that using the prebiotic and immunowall® effect as feed additive has significant difference (P < 0.05) on enzyme activities (protease and amylase), intestinal characteristic (villus total and villus height), performance (final body weight and mortality) and significantly different (P < 0.01) (feed conversion, index production, and IOFC). The addition of 0.05% prebiotic and 0.05% immunowall® gave the best effect on enzyme activity, intestinal characteristic, and broiler performance.


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How to cite this paper

Effect of Prebiotic and Immunowall® as Feed Additive in Enzyme Activity, Intestinal Characteristic, and Broiler Performance

How to cite this paper: Osfar, S., Eko, W., Halim, N., Fatmaoctavia, S., Riany, G.S. (2019) Effect of Prebiotic and Immunowall as Feed Additive in Enzyme Activity, Intestinal Characteristic, and Broiler Performance. International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture, 3(4), 292-298.