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Research on First-class Foreign Language Curriculum Construction in China’s Universities: Connotation, Features, and Design

Jinlong Zhang1,*, Jinfen Wang2

1Quanzhou Normal University, Quanzhou, Fujian, China.

2Quanzhou Preschool Education College, Quanzhou, Fujian, China.

*Corresponding author: Jinlong Zhang

Published: December 30,2023


The Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China officially initiated the “Double Ten-Thousand” first-class curriculum initiative in China’s Universities in 2018. Building a first-class curriculum of foreign languages is among them. With the framework of Curriculum Theory, the study attempts to put forward the connotations and features of the first-class curriculum of foreign language and connect the building of the first-class curriculum of foreign language and first-class discipline of foreign language and literature. Thus, utilizing AI (Artificial Intelligence) and the Internet and expounding on the models of online teaching and offline teaching, the paper, from three aspects, namely, distinctive classes at the micro level, characteristic classes designed by the school at the meso level and various supports by country at the macro level, raises the suggestive ways to bring reference to the building of China’s first-class curriculum of foreign language. At the micro level, it emphasizes (1) building the educational objectives of first-class foreign language curriculum; (2) selecting and organizing foreign language teaching and learning experience; (3) compiling or introducing first-class foreign language teaching materials; (4) conducting a comprehensive evaluation of (2) (3). At the meso level, the main concern is to open up the second characteristic classroom. At the macro level, it emphasizes the importance of national policy guarantees, organization guarantees, mechanism guarantees, and evaluation guarantees. These provide references for promoting the construction of a first-class foreign language curriculum.A


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How to cite this paper

Research on First-class Foreign Language Curriculum Construction in China's Universities: Connotation, Features, and Design

How to cite this paper: Jinlong Zhang, Jinfen Wang. (2023). Research on First-class Foreign Language Curriculum Construction in China's Universities: Connotation, Features, and Design.The Educational Review, USA7(12), 1955-1962.