
Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science

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Article Open Access

How Should Contemporary Designers View Self-brand Marketing?

Li Yan

Northwestern University, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China.

*Corresponding author: Li Yan

Published: January 17,2024


As the first designer to appear on the cover of Time magazine, industrial designer Raymond Lowey not only designed the Coldspot refrigerator and the Pennsylvania Railway but also created a personal brand and marketed his personal to help sell his products. Nowadays, in the context of the Internet age, there are a large number of designers who are marketing themselves on various platforms on the Internet and using this fame effect to sell their design products. As a matter of fact, the rise in the number of designers' personal marketing has caused some business losses and brought bad effects to the whole design industry. Young up-and-coming designers should focus on developing sustainable careers rather than risking the illusion of being a celebrity designer through self-promotion. This article will argue that self-promotion is an illusion for designers by analyzing how Raymond used self-promotion to gain popularity. Firstly, the article will compare the self-promotion methods of contemporary designers and Lowey's. Secondly, the article will show that Lowey's success is not just self-promotion; Finally, there will be some questions that young designers should pay attention to in the future.


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How to cite this paper

How Should Contemporary Designers View Self-brand Marketing?

How to cite this paper: Li Yan. (2023) How Should Contemporary Designers View Self-brand Marketing? Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science7(12), 2594-2597.