
The Educational Review, USA

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Experimental Teaching of Microelectronics Assembly Technology

Ivan Szendiuch

Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Electric Engineering and Communication, Department of Microelectronics, CZ-Technicka 10, 616 00 Brno, Czech Republic

*Corresponding author: Ivan Szendiuch, Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Electric Engineering and Communication, Department of Microelectronics, CZ-Technicka 10, 616 00 Brno, Czech Republic.

Published: January 19,2020


This contribution gives some practical experience about the education program in the microelectronics assembly technology, as part of the base of hardware. It is closed to modern technologies of electronic packaging and interconnection. The subject “Modern Microelectronics Technology” should be a par of the modern educational programs in the area of “Electronics Hardware” in both Bachelor´s and Master´s degree program. The content of the lectures is in accordance with the global development and is co-ordinated with programs at various universities worldwide. A new idea, and at the same time the main objective in this area is to achieve still closer contact of the University with the industry in terms of technological integration. Lectures and laboratory curricula are described, as well as the supporting project, which is implemented in the form of an integrated circuit, by students in team work organization. Practical training in the microelectronics laboratory forms a very important part of the learning process, which is positive valued by students, and was also awarded by the International Microelectronics Assembly and Packaging Society [1]. The laboratory is based on low-cost no-vacuum thick film technology, which allows students to realize various electronics components and also their own integrated circuit. Therefore, the main emphasis is on the acquisition of practical skills and abilities. It also increases students' motivation and their active approach to study. This paper describes the structure of the course and includes also some experience of teaching. 


[1] International Microelectronics Assembly and Packaging Society,,

[2] R. Tummala: Fundamentals of Microsystems Packaging, McGraw-Hill, New York, London, Sydney, Madrid, Lisbon, Milan, San Juan, Seoul, Mexico City, Toronto, 2001

[3] C. Vasko, I. Szendiuch, M. Novotny: Virtual Laboratory of Microelectronic Mounting and Packaging, Proc. International Conf. on Engineering Education, 3 – 7 September, 2007, Coimbra

[4] CEITEC - Central European Institute of Technology,

[5] R. Vrba: A Centre of Excellence to improve the Quality of Life and Human Health, Proceedings of 18th European Microelectronics and Packaging Conference, p. 10-17, 12th – 15th September, 2011, Brighton, United Kingdom

[6] Ch. A. Harper,: Electronic Packaging and Interconnection Handbook, McGraw-Hill New York, London, Sydney, Madrid, Lisbon, Milan, San Juan, Seoul, Singapore, Sydney, Toronto, 2005

[7] South Moravian Innovation Centre, 

How to cite this paper

Experimental Teaching of Microelectronics Assembly Technology

How to cite this paper: Szendiuch, I. (2020) Experimental Teaching of Microelectronics Assembly Technology. The Educational Review, USA, 4(2), 23-29.