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Mechanism of Influence of Sawtooth Interface Parameters on Shear Behavior of New and Old Concrete

Weimin Liang, Lei Cheng*

School of Civil Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo, Henan, China.

*Corresponding author: Lei Cheng

Published: January 19,2024


The repair and reinforcement of concrete structures have become an important engineering field. In order to investigate the shear strength curve and crack evolution law of new and old concrete bonded and locked under the notch, and to extract the mechanical parameters of new and old concrete, a method for establishing a refined concrete model is provided. Combined with the numerical simulation method, the shear peak stress and failure mode of new and old concrete superimposed bodies under different vertical pressures with different numbers of serrated locks are further studied. The results show that the shear stress-shear deformation curve of the new and old concrete superimposed body under a trian-gular serrated notch is composed of five parts: initial compaction stage, pre-peak linear stage, pre-peak nonlinear stage, brittle fracture stage, and residual strength stage. With the increase of the number of locking, the shear strength of the new and old concrete increases, and the increase rate gradually decreases. When the locking area is greater than 60% of the bond area, it almost does not increase. The increase in vertical pressure will weaken the influence of the number of locking serrated teeth. With the increase in the number of locks, the binding surface cracks will gradually change from shear cracks to tensile cracks, the cohesion of the specimen increases, the internal friction angle decreases, and the shear stiffness remains unchanged.


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How to cite this paper

Mechanism of Influence of Sawtooth Interface Parameters on Shear Behavior of New and Old Concrete

How to cite this paper: Weimin Liang, Lei Cheng. (2023). Mechanism of Influence of Sawtooth Interface Parameters on Shear Behavior of New and Old Concrete. Engineering Advances3(6), 493-497.