
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation

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On the Infiltration of Mathematical Culture in Middle School Mathematics Teaching

Liuping Jia, Lihong Chang*

College of Mathematics and Computer Science, Ningxia Normal University, Guyuan, Ningxia, China.

*Corresponding author: Lihong Chang

Published: January 24,2024


Mathematical culture has a long history, and the importance of mathematical culture is also mentioned in the curriculum standard. This paper first studies the current situation of ignoring students' interest, teachers' lack of mathematical culture, and unreasonable teaching evaluation in the infiltration of mathematical culture in middle school mathematics teaching. Finally, five infiltration strategies of mathematical culture in middle school mathematics teaching are given: infiltration should be combined with students' interest, teachers' own mathematical culture to promote the infiltration of mathematical culture, reasonable educational objectives, and educational evaluation to promote the infiltration of mathematical culture, multimedia to promote the infiltration of mathematical culture in mathematics teaching and accelerate the infiltration of mathematical culture in examination questions. Through these five strategies, it can help to improve students' mathematical culture and promote the cultivation of students' overall core literacy. It also contributes to the future education.


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How to cite this paper

On the Infiltration of Mathematical Culture in Middle School Mathematics Teaching

How to cite this paper: Liuping Jia, Lihong Chang. (2023) On the Infiltration of Mathematical Culture in Middle School Mathematics TeachingJournal of Applied Mathematics and Computation7(4), 508-511.