Article Open Access
Geo-school project: Educational technologies to teach geoscience
Vinícius Arcanjo Monteiro
Teaching and History of Earth Science, University of Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil.
*Corresponding author: Vinícius Arcanjo Monteiro, Teaching and History of Earth Science, University of Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil.
Published: March 9,2020
The Geo-School project offers digital didactic materials to teachers of Brazilian basic education of a given region. The material in a website comprises geologic data, images and maps. The idea and purpose of the project is to shape a design of teaching materials using educational technologies. The first step is identify the themes that should be emphazised in classroom. After the themes are prioritized the resulting interaction involves lectures, theoretical-practical courses and fieldwork. Although the Geo-School project has already been developed for others regional realities, the proposed research intends to introduce the study module of the Poços de Caldas Alkaline Massif - Brazil. The region has numerous works of reference on geology, provided by scientific production, but the use of this material does not go (unfortunately) beyond the academic-university circuit. Education should allow any individual to recognize what this massif is, how it functions and the way life relationships develop, both in time and space. In a broad sense, Geosciences may help students to construct an idea on mechanisms of earth evolution and on the permanent interaction between the Earth spheres. The use of computers in education may explore visual language, which is strongly connected to geologic reasoning, as well as some typical methodological procedures of Geology, multiple explanatory hypotheses, scientific descriptions, historical and analogical reasoning. This requires more incentive towards teacher training programs. Many specialists of the national community of Geology are the most capable people to decode main concepts from a great volume of available information. Promoting interaction with teachers for diffusion of Geosciences.
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How to cite this paper
Geo-school project: Educational technologies to teach geoscience
How to cite this paper: Vinícius Arcanjo Monteiro(2020). Geo-school project: Educa- tional technologies to teach geoscience. The Educational Review, USA, 4(3), 45-53.