International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture

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Assessing the economic benefit share of Woodsland Joint Stock Company and Forest growers household at Tuyen Quang Province, Viet Nam

Do Hai Yen

Economics and Business Administration Faculty, Tan Trao University, Tuyen Quang, Vietnam

*Corresponding author: Do Hai Yen, Economics and Business Administration Faculty, Tan Trao University, Tuyen Quang, Vietnam.

Published: March 9,2020


The article aims to assess the reality of afforestation linkage model, with a particular focus on its economic, between Woodsland Joint Stock company and local forest growers in Tuyen Quang Province, Viet Nam. Systematic and participatory approach method were used in this study. The results revealed that incomes from forest of households who participated in the linkage is higher about 10 – 18% than non-participating growers. However, the hectare of forest plantation in the model has been small so far in Tuyen Quang Province. In order to develop the afforestation linkage model, the study recommended feasible solutions such as: enhancing the awareness about benefits of model to forest growers; developing permanent and effective linkage between company and households; local authorities should play an important role in the linkage model by connecting and supporting the establishment of the two parties.


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How to cite this paper

Assessing the economic benefit share of Woodsland Joint Stock Company and Forest growers household at Tuyen Quang Province, Viet Nam

How to cite this paper: D. H Yen (2020) Assessing the economic benefit share of Woodsland Joint Stock Company and Forest growers household at Tuyen Quang Province, Viet Nam. International Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 4(1), 65-72.