
The Educational Review, USA

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Comparative Analysis of Contents on the Pythagorean Theorem in Mathematics Textbooks from America and China

Shi Chen

Department of Mathematics Education, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, USA.

*Corresponding author: Shi Chen

Published: March 1,2024


Recent studies have demonstrated that textbook analysis is an essential method of review in mathematics education. This study conducted a comparative analysis of textbooks from America and China to evaluate how students are expected to learn information pertaining to the Pythagorean theorem. This was accomplished using the 5D model approach, specifically focusing on contents, mathematical activities, complexity levels, answering forms, and contextual features. The results showed that Chinese textbooks were slightly more complex, focused on proving the Pythagorean theorem, and presented students with real-life problems. In contrast, American textbooks were mainly concentrated on basic mathematics concepts. These findings suggest that American students should solve more items that require deep thinking, while Chinese students should improve their communication skills by practicing open-ended questions. Future studies can add to the literature by investigating other mathematics materials across a greater number of countries, thus contributing to a more globalized conversation on relevant education methods.


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How to cite this paper

Comparative Analysis of Contents on the Pythagorean Theorem in Mathematics Textbooks from America and China

How to cite this paper: Shi Chen. (2024). Comparative Analysis of Contents on the Pythagorean Theorem in Mathematics Textbooks from America and China.The Educational Review, USA8(1), 20-26.