
The Educational Review, USA

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Comparison of Physical Portfolio and E-portfolio for Language Assessment

Xue Yin*, Ning Lv

Qingdao City University, Qingdao, Shandong, China.

*Corresponding author: Xue Yin

Published: March 7,2024


Language assessment has been developing as technology develops in modern times, which provides teachers with increasingly new techniques to assess students’ learning results. However, not all students would accept new ways of assessments. A comparison between traditional assessments and new assessments is needed for both teachers and students. In this article, the author chose two similar assessments, a physical portfolio and an e-portfolio to make the comparison in case to provide the advantages for language learners to choose the best way suit to them. The traditional physical portfolio is what students write and collect as their learning material. An e-portfolio is what students can record and update online, therefore, an e-portfolio can promote reflection and growth by catching students’ progress. It is easier to edit and save. Through the comparison, the author found that e-portfolio has more advantages. However, language learners can choose the better assessment among physical portfolio and e-portfolio according to their personal situation.


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How to cite this paper

Comparison of Physical Portfolio and E-portfolio for Language Assessment

How to cite this paper: Xue Yin, Ning Lv. (2024). Comparison of Physical Portfolio and E-portfolio for Language Assessment.The Educational Review, USA8(1), 177-180.