
The Educational Review, USA

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Design of High School Mathematics Teaching Objectives Under the Perspective of Discipline Core Literacy

Lijuan Zhao, Li Xu*

Ningxia Normal University, Guyuan, Ningxia, China.

*Corresponding author: Li Xu

Published: March 7,2024


Teaching objectives play a vital role in teachers 'teaching, students' learning and teaching evaluation. The core quality of mathematics is also the concentrated embodiment of the goal of the mathematics curriculum, but the survey found that there are still many problems in the design of high school mathematics teaching goals. In light of the current challenges and the demands of educational reform for integrating discipline core literacy, this paper proposes a framework for developing high school mathematics teaching objectives centered on the core literacy of the mathematics discipline and provides specific examples. In short, the teaching design emphasizes mathematical characteristics, aiming to enhance students' mathematical literacy and foster the innovative talents required by the country and society.


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How to cite this paper

Design of High School Mathematics Teaching Objectives Under the Perspective of Discipline Core Literacy

How to cite this paper: Lijuan Zhao, Li Xu. (2024). Design of High School Mathematics Teaching Objectives Under the Perspective of Discipline Core Literacy.The Educational Review, USA8(1), 191-196.