Paola D'Antonio 1,*, Vincenzo Nunzio Scalcione 2, Francesca Romano 3
1 School of Agricultural, Forestry, Food and Environmental Sciences (SAFE) University of Basilicata. Potenza, Italy.
2 University of Basilicata. Potenza, Italy.
3 University of Rome La Sapienza, Rome, Italy.
*Corresponding author: Paola D'Antonio, School of Agricultural, Forestry, Food and Environmental Sciences (SAFE) University of Basilicata. Potenza, Italy.
This research is the result of an experiment that has placed the use of technologies and the use of satellite guidance instruments at the center of its interests to support human capabilities. This is an experiment that has considered the texture of the soil as the main parameters, according to their equivalent diameter. The use of agricultural machines had the purpose of creating, in the scenario of experimental tests, the conditions that would allow to provide the data on which to establish, among the pairs of systems used, the one capable of guaranteeing the best quality of work. The main parameters considered during the analysis of the samples are those concerning the texture of the soils, that is, the constitution of the soils expressed as the ratio between the particles of different sizes that make them up, according to their equivalent diameter. In fact, in line with what is asserted by many cognitive psychologists, the present research wanted not only to observe and measure the impact that IT tools have had in everyone's daily life, but also to allow us to hypothesize design lines that converge and give shape to a new digital citizenship, through the promotion of digital skills.
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How to cite this paper
The use of satellite technology for digital citizenship: experimental tests and investigation methods
How to cite this paper: D'Antonio, P., Scalcione, V. N., Romano, F. (2020) The use of satellite technology for digital citizenship: experimental tests and investigation methods. International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture, 4(1), 90-96.