International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture

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Hand Hoeing Weeding Frequency on Growth of Tobacco under the Ecological Conditions of Shewa Robit and Bilatte Tobacco Farms, Ethiopia

Daniel Abebe *, Mekonnen Tadesse, Mesfin Shiferaw

National Tobacco Enterprise (Ethiopia) S.C, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

*Corresponding author: Daniel Abebe, National Tobacco Enterprise (Ethiopia) S.C, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Published: March 24,2020


An experiment was conducted at Bilatte and Shewa Robit tobacco farms in Ethiopia during 2012/13 and 2013/14 dry and wet cropping season respectively, with objective of evaluating the effect of frequency of hand hoeing weeding on growth characteristics and yield of flue-cured tobacco. The treatments include: weedy check, weed free check, weeding at 15 and 45 days after transplanting (DAT), weeding at 15, 30, 45 and 60 DAT and weeding at 30, 45, 60, 90 and 120 days DAT. The experimental result revealed that frequency of different hand hoeing levels has an effect on yield and growth characteristics of tobacco. Weeding of tobacco four or five times, especially at 15, 30, 45, 60 and 90 DAT gave relatively better yield and found recommendable under Bilatte and Shewa Robit conditions.


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How to cite this paper

Hand Hoeing Weeding Frequency on Growth of Tobacco under the Ecological Conditions of Shewa Robit and Bilatte Tobacco Farms, Ethiopia

How to cite this paper: Abebe,D., Tadesse, M., Shiferaw, M. (2020) Hand Hoeing Weeding Frequency on Growth of Tobacco under the Ecological Conditions of Shewa Robit and Bilatte Tobacco Farms, Ethiopia. International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture, 2020, 4(1), 97-100.